This visual novel is based on the story of a boy who moves to a new city where his father disappeared 3 years ago. Something unusual is happening in this city, which is actually called "Sunburn City". The city and the people themselves have problems that the main character does not even think about ... Will the main character be able to find his father?
The protagonist interacts with many other characters in the city to find his father and also live his life. You can play this visual novel as the main character and help him on his journey by making the right decisions. The game is currently in its intro/prologue where you will meet new characters, interact with them and explore the city.
There will be over 60 playable characters in this visual novel/game with significant backgrounds related to the story.
Game Developer: SPARK |
Game Language: English |
Game Genre: 3dcg, animated, bdsm, big tits, big ass, corruption, creampie, exhibitionism, groping, harem, incest, Male Protagonist, male domination, masturbation, oral sex, titfuck, vaginal sex, virgin, school |
OS: Windows, Mac, Android |
1. Extract and run.